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Working with Influencers

Daniel Glickman

If you want to work with influencers, you need to create programs that cater to each of their stages of growth.

There are four distinct stages of growth in an influencer’s life cycle:

Stage 1: Grow the audience. In this stage, the influencer is primarily concerned with gaining more followers.  Such an influencer might be very keen on collaborating with your brand by providing the content when you provide the audience. They make great guests on your shows and do not require money for their work.  When approaching a stage one influencer, you need to provide a clear list of activities and a budget (if any).

Stage 2: Grow the brand. In this stage, Influencers want to be known for a specific know-how. They will be interested in doing joint research or might want you to present to their audience if you can provide information that matches their brand needs.  When working with a stage two influencer, it is best to work on one project at a time. 

Stage 3: Grow the content. This is when the influencer is mostly concerned with scaling operations. They are busy growing their team and opening new channels of influence. Influencers at this stage are difficult to work with since they are preoccupied with their own operational issues. For some, promoting an affiliate link is a good solution since it requires very little work on their end but can help with generating the desperately needed cash flow. 

Stage 4: Monetization. Mature influencers know their value and are primarily focused on charging the top dollar in return for their influence. They will prefer working with larger brands that can provide a stable income.  They will have a clear set of services and a price list. If you approach a stage four influencer, expect to work on their terms. 

Influencer marketing can be a very successful growth channel for startups and large brands. It takes time and patience, so it’s good to start your influencer marketing early.

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