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Zig Zag Like a Dog

Daniel Glickman

Anyone who had ever worked for a startup may be familiar with the lack of clarity of vision that comes with it. When working for a startup, employees often feel like the management is constantly changing their minds and contradicting recent instructions. 

Startups suffer from “strategic zig-zagging” because they are continually looking for a better product-market fit; They are desperate to make it big, and startup founders are often prone to rash decisions to begin with.

Zig-zagging is part of what all startups do and can be a strength as well as a weakness.    

There are two main challenges associated with zig-zagging: 

  1. It demoralizes employees who may feel confused and frustrated as a result. 
  2. Zig-zagging may get you going around in circles. Shifting your strategic focus too often by chasing short-term opportunities may leave you with inconsistent and incoherent messaging, and customers who don’t appreciate the value you provide. 

So, if zig-zagging is inevitable, how can you zig-zag better? 

  1. Continuously repeat the underlying goal or problem you are aiming for. For example, there is a chart that I show in every single company meeting. I make sure to explain again and again that this chart represents the one problem we are continuously trying to solve because it’s what will make or break our company. It may be repetitive to hear, but it reminds everyone why we keep changing and coming up with new ideas.
  2. When speaking to the team, don’t mix ideas, future plans, and current projects. Keep each of these for separate discussions. Doing so will help alleviate the feeling that “the management keeps changing their mind” and reduce confusion and frustration. 
  3. Zig-zag like a dog. When a dog seeks an object that they can not see, dogs will move in a zig-zag pattern to identify when the scent gets stronger or weaker. Whenever you pivot, make sure to do it like a dog, always staying focused on getting closer to that ultimate goal, and not chasing the occasional squirrel.

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